Emotional Intelligence – EQ-i
Measure the emotional intelligence traits of individuals and teams
Emotional intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.
At Sicora Consulting, we use the EQ-i 2.0 to accurately assess strengths and blind spots. In an assessment that takes less than 20 minutes to complete, you will receive a predictable way to measure current levels of emotional and social functioning, and how they impact performance.

Measures five aspects of emotional and social functioning
Self Perception
Self Expression
Once you gain understanding of your emotions, you must then examine how you express your emotions. You will learn more about your emotional expression, or saying how you feel. You will become aware of how you stand up for yourself, or your level of assertiveness. You will also gain insight as to how independent you are, or how capable you are of standing on your own two feet.
After examining the details behind your self-perception and self-expression, you will be able to see a direct correlation as to how you are at interpersonal relationships and developing and maintaining good relationships. People like to be understood, so part of maintaining relationships is having a good level of empathy or recognizing and appreciating how others feel. The Interpersonal section of the EQ-i 2.0 assessment also measures your social responsibility or how important it is to you to contribute to society.
Decision Making
It is important to understand your self-perception, self-expression, and how you handle interpersonal relationships because they all directly relate to your decision making process. The EQ-i 2.0 measures how you problem solve and how effective you are at managing emotions when solving problems. You will also understand how accurately you see things as they really are through Reality Testing. Thinking on your feet is a good thing, but impulse control is important in a decision making process and it’s important to understand your ability to resist or delay impulses.
Stress Management
Being flexible, having stress tolerance, and a high level of optimism all have to do with how well you manage stress. The EQ-i 2.0 will help you understand those three sub categories of stress management so you can focus on an area that needs improvement.
In your career and in your personal life, the main reason for personal growth is to reach a state of happiness. Do you feel satisfied and find enjoyment in life? Happiness is a direct indicator of overall well-being. Although happiness isn’t included in your EQ-i 2.0 results, it is closely linked to self-regard, optimism, interpersonal relationships, and self-actualization. Understanding your level of those four sub categories and how to improve upon them will directly impact your overall feeling of happiness.
You will get an overall EQ-i 2.0 result, as well as individual results for each component. You will receive feedback on your results and what they mean. Your report includes strategies to further develop your emotional intelligence and a development plan template to help you make your commitment real. Improving your Emotional Intelligence will not only help you be more successful at work, but outside of work too!