Employee Engagement Study

Participate in our ongoing research in employee engagement through this quick 10 minute survey

Who is able to participate?

 We are looking for organizations and teams with at least 5 individuals. You can include as many team members as you would like.


What is the commitment?

Each employee will be asked to respond to 2 or 3 surveys over the course of a few months. Each survey will take under 10 minutes to complete. There is no cost to participate or monetary compensation for participation in this research.

What do you receive?

Each participant will get to complete the new version of the 8 Factors of Engagement and receive their own personalized Individual 8 Factors of Engagement profile. Every team will also receive a team report and a copy of the updated white paper with all our findings.


Reach out to [email protected] for more information
Take the SurveyDownload the Product Sheet