Talent Lifecycle
Attract and retain your best talent
If your organization struggles with the challenging tasks of attracting, developing and retaining top talent, you’re not alone. Helping organizations overcome these challenges is a core competency at Sicora Consulting. We can help you implement a Talent Lifecycle program with the strategies, tools, and processes to maximize outcomes for your employees, and your organization.
Our holistic process ensures that all five aspects of your talent lifecycle are considered and optimized for success. You’ll gain the knowledge, tools, and processes to measure development and significantly improve retention, all within the framework of our proven Leading from the Helm model.

Attract & Recruit
Ensure that talent you bring into your organization not only has the proper knowledge, skills, abilities, experience, and education, but that they also align to your culture. We combine our powerful assessment tools with those of our partners to make sure your job candidates are the right fit.
TTI Success Insights | TalentTelligent

Hire & Onboard
Your onboarding process has a profound impact on a new hire’s engagement, particularly during the first three to nine months. Our 8 Factors of Engagement model, we can assure that your process creates immediate and sustainable engagement that translates into rapid assimilation and impact.
Hogan | TalentTelligent | TTI Success Insights

Develop & Deploy
Successfully developing and deploying your talent is essential not only for meeting organizational goals, but for creating enagement among your most valued staff members. Accurate assessment is critical to this process, ensuring that opportunities for development are realized, and that your new hires are placed in a position to succeed.
TTI Success Insights | TalentTelligent | Leadership Circle Profile

Perform & Assess
Effective performance metrics and management are critical to the alignment and accomplishment of your goals. This is a core competency of Sicora Consulting. We’re experts at designing performance management systems and processes that measure employee development using a powerful suite of assessment tools.
Assessments | 4 Colors of Insights | Leadership Circle Profile

Engage & Retain
Engagement is the leading indicator of performance for your organization, helping you develop and retain talent that is critical to your ongoing success. Our Leading from the Helm and the 8 Factors of Engagement programs were built to support you in these two key areas of the Talent Lifecycle.
Leading from the Helm | 8 Factors of Engagement
Attract and retain your top talent
Our holistic process ensures that all five aspects of your talent lifecycle are considered and optimized for success, all within the framework of our proven Leading from the Helm model.